Luke 3:36

Luke 3:36 [Textus Receptus (Elzevir) (1624)]202
Τοῦ Καϊνάν, τοῦ Ἀρφαξὰδ, τοῦ Σὴμ, τοῦ Νῶε, τοῦ Λάμεχ,

MSS: A, G (f127vc2), K (f142v), S (f126r-v), 1 (f229r), 1582 (f150v), 2943, ℓ339 (f82vc2)

Luke 3:36 [Codex Sinaiticus (א or 01) (4th century)]q77f7vc2
Του καϊναμ του αρφαξαδ του σημ του νωε του λαμεχ

Luke 3:36 [Codex Alexandrinus (A02) (5th century)]22vc2
Του καϊναν του αρφαξαδ· του σημ· του νωε του λαμεχ

Luke 3:36 [Codex Vaticanus Gr. 1209 (B03) (4th century)]40bc2
Του καϊναμ του αρφαξαδ του σημ του νωε του λαμεχ

Luke 3:36 [Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis (D05) (5th century)]196v-197r
Του αρφαξαδ του σημ του νωε του λαμεκ

Critical Apparatus :

(1) Luke 3:36 : א, A, B, D, E§, G, K, L, M, S, X, 1, 1582, 2943, ℓ339
(2) OMIT Luke 3:36 : W

(3) του καιναν : A, E§, G, K, M, S, X, 1, 1582, 2943, ℓ339
(4) του καιναμ : א, B, L
(5) OMIT του καιναν : D

(6) λαμεχ : א, A, B, E§, G, K, L, S, 1, 1582, 2943, ℓ339
(7) λαμεκ : D, M, X,



A Textual Commentary On Luke 3:36

(a) Bar Hebraeus on Kainan:
After ARPHAXAD [came] KAINAN his son. When he was one hundred and thirty years old he begot SHALAH; all [the days of] his life were four hundred and thirty years. Now EUSEBIUS doth not reckon this KAINAN and his years in his table of years; neither doth the Hebrew Book (i.e. the Bible: see Genesis xi. 12-14), and our Syrian Book doth not. But LUKE (see chap. iii, v. 36) mentioneth him in the Gospel. And according to what is said, it was he who invented CHALDAYUTHA (i.e. Astrology and the Art of Magic). His sons worshipped him as a god, and set up an image of him; thence began the worship of idols. And he built the city of HARRAN in the name of HARAN his son.
(Ernest A. Wallis Budge, Chronography, translated from Syriac)

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