Acts 4:29

Acts 4:29 [Textus Receptus (Elzevir) (1624)]407
Καὶ τὰ νῦν Κύριε ἔπιδε ἐπὶ τὰς ἀπειλὰς αὐτῶν, καὶ δὸς τοῖς δούλοις σου μετὰ παῤῥησίας πάσης λαλεῖν τὸν λόγον σου,


Acts 4:29 [Codex Sinaiticus (א or 01) (4th century)]q87f1rc3
και τα νυν ΚΕ επιδε επι τας απιλας αυτων και δος τοις δουλοις σου μετα παρρησιας πασης λαλιν το- λογον σου

Acts 4:29 [Codex Alexandrinus (Royal MS 1 D VIII) (A02) (5th century)]

Acts 4:29 [Codex Vaticanus Gr. 1209 (B03) (4th century)] 79a c2-3
και τα νυν ΚΕ επιδε επι τας απειλας αυτω- και δος τοις δουλοις σου μετα παρρησιας πασης λαλειν τον λογον σου

Acts 4:29 [Codex Ephraemi Syri Rescriptus (C04) (5th century)]

Acts 4:29 [Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis (D05) (5th century)]

Acts 4:29 [Codex Laudianus (MS. Laud Gr. 35) (E08) (6th century)]30v-31r|68-69
και τα νυν ΚΕ εφειδε επι τας απιλας αυτων και δος τοις δουλοις σου μετα πασης παρρησιας λαλειν τον λογον σου

Critical Apparatus :

(1) επιδε : א, B
(2) εφειδε : E

(3) απειλας : B
(4) απιλας : א, E

(5) παρρησιας πασης : א, B
(6) πασης παρρησιας : E

(7) λαλειν : B, E
(8) λαλιν : א



A Textual Commentary On Acts 4:29

(a) ASPIRATES – The use of an aspirate before a smooth breathing conflicts, indeed, with the general rules of orthography, which are observed also in the N. T., yet in several instances is pretty well established. Thus we have, e.g. ἔφιδε Acts iv. 29 [ἔπιδε Tdf.], ἀπίδω Phil. ii. 23, ἐφεῖδεν Luke i. 25 Tdf. [ed. 7], ἀφελπίζοντες vi. 35 Lchm., οὐχ Ἰουδαϊκῶς Gal. ii. 14 (Tdf. οὐχ’, as cod. A has, e.g. in οὐχ’ ὄψεσθε Luke xvii. 22) — to write it thus with the apostrophe was the almost universal usage, see Schneider on Plat. Rep. p. 455 ; Anecd. Bekk. p. 683 sq. On the other hand, in the MSS. We also find often οὐχ εὗρον (Exod. xvi. 27), οὐκ ἕνεκα in Hermas, etc. ; but see below p. 10. On the omission of as piration (οὐκ ἕστηκεν) see Tdf.’s note on John viii. 44. Further, ἐφ’ ἐλπίδι Acts ii. 26, οὐχ ἠγάπησαν Rev. xii. 11, οὐχ ἰδού Acts ii. 7, οὐχ ὀλίγος xix. 23 Lchm., cf. xii. 18 ; see Lachmann’s pref. p. 42. The aspiration ἑλπις occurs also in inscriptions, see Franz, Epigr. 111. It is possible that the retention of the digamma in single words (cf. the Lat. video) occasioned these irregularities, which occur elsewhere also, see Winer p. 45 (44). (Alexander Buttmann, A Grammar of the New Testament Greek, p. 7)

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