Manuscripts of St. Paul’s Epistle to Philemon

Manuscripts of St. Paul’s Epistle to Philemon

  1. Gregory-Aland 01 (א) (Codex Sinaiticus) – British Library (347f) + Leipzig University (43f) + St. Catherine, Sinai – 4th century – Soden δ2  [Before Acts] [e, p, a, c, r]
  2. Gregory-Aland 02 (A) (Codex Alexandrinus, Royal MS 1 D VIII) – British Library – 5th century – Soden δ4
  3. Gregory-Aland 04 (C) (Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus, Grec 9) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 5th century – Soden δ3 [PALIMPSEST]
  4. Gregory-Aland 06 (D) (Codex Claromontanus, Grec 107) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 5th/6th century – Soden α1026 [Greek & Latin (d/Beuron 75)]
  5. Gregory-Aland 010 (F) (Codex Augiensis, B.17.1) – Trinity College, Cambridge – 9th century – Soden α1029 [Greek & Latin] [Pauline] [lacunae: Philemon 21-25] [Trinity College website]
  6. Gregory-Aland 012 (G) (Codex Boernerianus, A 145b) – Saxon State Library , Dresden, Germany – 9th century – Soden α1028 [Greek & Latin] [lacunae: Phm 21-25] [Pauline]
  7. Gregory-Aland 016 (I) (Codex Freerianus, 06.275) – Smithsonian Institution, Washington – 5th century – Soden α1041 – H.A. Sanders  [Content: Phi 1-3. 14-16]
  8. Gregory-Aland 018 (Kap) (Codex Mosquensis I (V. 93, S. 97)) – State Historical Museum, Moscow – 9th century – Soden Aπρ1 [CSNTM]
  9. Gregory-Aland 020 (L) (Codex Angelicus, Ang. gr. 39) – Biblioteca Angelica, Rome – 9th century – Soden α5 ; G (Wettstein & Scholz) [CSNTM]
  10. Gregory-Aland 025 (P) (Codex Porphyrianus, Gr. 225) – National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg – 9th century – Soden α3
  11. Gregory-Aland 044 (Ψ) (Codex Athous Lavrensis ; B΄. 52) – Great Lavra Monastery, Athos (261f) (f250r-v) – 9th/10th century – Soden δ6 [e (Mk–Jn), a, c, p] ✓20/6/2024
  12. Gregory-Aland 048 (Codex Vaticanus Graecus 2061) – Vatican Library – 5th century – Soden α1
  13. Gregory-Aland 1 (Codex Basilensis A. N. IV. 2 (earlier B. VI. 27)) – Basel University Library – 12th century – Scrivener p1 ; Soden δ254
  14. Gregory-Aland 3 (Cod. Suppl. Gr. 52) – Austrian National Library – 12th century – Soden δ253 [CSNTM]
  15. Gregory-Aland 5 (Grec 106) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 13th century – Stephanus δ’ ; Soden δ453
  16. Gregory-Aland 6 (Grec 112) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 13th century – Stephanus ε’ ; Soden δ356 [Content: Philemon 12ff]
  17. Gregory-Aland 18 (Grec 47) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 1364 A.D. – Soden δ411 [ὑπόθεσις]
  18. Gregory-Aland 33 (Grec 14) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 9th century – Soden δ48
  19. Gregory-Aland 35 (Coislin Gr. 199) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 11th century – Soden δ309
  20. Gregory-Aland 38 (Coislin Gr. 200) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 12th century – Soden δ355
  21. Gregory-Aland 51 (MS. Laud. Gr. 31) – Bodleian Library, Oxford – 13th century – früher p38 ; Soden δ364 [Order: Acts, Pauline; Catholic; Gospels] [a, p, c, e]
  22. Gregory-Aland 57 (Gr. 9) – Magdalen College, Oxford – 12th century – Soden δ255
  23. Gregory-Aland 61 (Codex Montfortianus, MS 30) – Trinity College, Dublin – 16th century – Soden δ603
  24. Gregory-Aland 62 (Grec 60) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 14th century – Soden α453
  25. Gregory-Aland 69 (Cod. 6 D 32/1) – Leicestershire Record Office, Leicester – 15th century – Soden δ505
  26. Gregory-Aland 76 (Codex Caesar-Vindobonensis, Theol. Gr. 300) – Austrian National Library, Vienna – 14th century – Soden δ298 [CSNTM]
  27. Gregory-Aland 81 (477) (225 folios) – Greek Orthodox Patriarchate Library, Alexandria + (Add MS 20003) (57 folios) [Content: Acts] – British Library – 1044 A.D. – früher p61 ; Soden α162 [a, c, p]
  28. Gregory-Aland 82 (Grec 237) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 10th century
  29. Gregory-Aland 88 (Codex Regis, Ms. II. A. 7) – Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III, Naples – 12th century – früher p93 ; Soden α200 [CSNTM]
  30. Gregory-Aland 93 (Coislin Grec 205) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 10th century – früher p21 ; Soden α51
  31. Gregory-Aland 104 (Harley MS 5537) – British Library – 1087 A.D. – früher p31 ; Soden α103
  32. Gregory-Aland 105 (Codex Ebnerianus, MS. Auct. T. inf. 1. 10) – Bodleian Library, Oxford – 12th century – früher p24 ; Soden δ257
  33. Gregory-Aland 110 (Harley MS 5778) – British Library – 12th century – früher p34 ; Soden α204
  34. Gregory-Aland 122 (B. P. Gr. 74a) – Leiden University Library, Leiden – 12th century – Soden δ258
  35. Gregory-Aland 131 (Vat. Gr. 360) – Vatican Library – 14th century – früher p77 ; Soden δ467 [CSNTM]
  36. Gregory-Aland 133 (Vat. Gr. 363) – Vatican Library – 11th century – früher p78 ; Soden δ150
  37. Gregory-Aland 141 (Vat. Gr. 1160) – Vatican Library – 13th century – früher p86 ; Soden δ408
  38. Gregory-Aland 142 (Vat. Gr. 1210) – Vatican Library – 11th century – früher p87 ; Soden δ151
  39. Gregory-Aland 149 (Palat. Gr. 171) – Vatican Library – 15th century – früher p88 ; Soden δ503
  40. Gregory-Aland 172 (Phillips 1461) – Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin – 13th/14th century – früher p242 ; Soden α404
  41. Gregory-Aland 175 (Vat. Gr. 2080) – Vatican Library – 10th/11th century – früher p194 ; Soden δ95 [e, a, r, c, p]
  42. Gregory-Aland 177 (Cod. Graec. 211) – Bavarian State Library – 11th century – früher p128 ; Soden α106
  43. Gregory-Aland 189 (Plutei. VI. 27) – Laurentian Library, Florence – 14th century – früher p239 ; Soden α269
  44. Gregory-Aland 201 (Add MS 11837) – British Library – 1357 A.D. – früher p104 ; Soden δ403 [ὑπόθεσις]
  45. Gregory-Aland 203 (Add MS 28816) – British Library – 1111 A.D. – früher p477 ; Soden α203
  46. Gregory-Aland 204 (ms. 2775) – Bologna University – 1101-1200 A.D.  – früher p105 ; Soden δ357
  47. Gregory-Aland 205 (Gr. Z 6) – Biblioteca Marciana, Venice – 15th century – früher 106 ; Soden δ500
  48. Gregory-Aland 206 (MS1182) – Lambeth Palace, London – 13th century – früher p270 ; Soden α365
  49. Gregory-Aland 209 (Gr. Z. 10 (394), fol. 1-381) – Biblioteca Marciana, Venice – 14th & 15th century – früher p108 ; Soden δ457 & α1581 [CSNTM]
  50. Gregory-Aland 216 (MS1183) – Lambeth Palace, London – 1358 A.D. – früher p271 ; Soden α469
  51. Gregory-Aland 218 (Theol. Gr. 23, fol. 486-623) – Austrian National Library, Vienna – 13th century – früher p57 ; Soden δ300 [CSNTM]
  52. Gregory-Aland 221 (MS. Canon. Gr. 110) – Bodleian Library, Oxford – 10th century – früher p276 ; Soden α69
  53. Gregory-Aland 223 (Ms. 34) – University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor – 13th century – früher p278 ; Soden α186 [a, p, c]
  54. Gregory-Aland 226 (Codex Escurialensis, X. IV. 17) – Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de El Escorial, Spain – 12th century – früher p228 ; Soden δ156 [e, a, c, p]
  55. Gregory-Aland 234 (Codex Havniensis I ; GKS 1322, 4°) – Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Copenhagen – 1278 A.D. – früher p72 ; Soden δ365 [a, p, c, e]
  56. Gregory-Aland 241 (Ф. 1607 14 ; früher: Dresden, Sächs. Landesbibl., A 172) – Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, Moscow – 11th century – früher p120  ; Soden δ507 [e, a, p, c, r?]
  57. Gregory-Aland 242 (Sinod. Gr. 407 (Vlad. 25)) – State Historical Museum, Moscow – 12th century – früher p121 ; Soden δ206 [e, a, c, p, r?]
  58. Gregory-Aland 250 (Coislin Gr. 224) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 11th century – früher p299 ; Scrivener 337p ; Soden O10
  59. Gregory-Aland 252 [=FORMERLY Gregory-Aland 464] – (Sinod. Gr. 341 (Vlad. 023) – State Historical Museum (229 folios: Praxapostolos) + (Ф. 1607, No. 5 ; früher: Dresden, Sächs. Landesbibl., A 145) – Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts, Moscow (123 folios : 4 Gospels) – 11th century – früher p122 ; Soden α165 [e, a, c, p]
  60. Gregory-Aland 254 (NLG 490) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 14th century – CATENA (Theophylact & Andreas of Caesarea) – früher p301 ; Scrivener  396p ; Soden OΘ42 [a, c, p, r] [CSNTM]
  61. Gregory-Aland 255 (Berlin Graec. 4° 40) – Jagiellonian Library, Krakow – 14th century – früher p302 ; Scrivener 249a ; Soden α174 [a, c, p?]
  62. Gregory-Aland 256 (Armen. 27 / Arm. 9) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 11th/12th century – früher p259 ; Scrivener 240 ; Soden α216 [Greek & Armenian] [a, c, p, r]
  63. Gregory-Aland 257 (Berlin Graec. 4 °43) – Jagiellonian Library, Krakow – 14th century – früher p260 ; Scrivener 250a ; Soden α466 [a, c, p?]
  64. Gregory-Aland 263 (Grec 61) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 13th century – früher p137 ; Soden δ372 [e, a, c, p]
  65. Gregory-Aland 296 (Grec 124) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 16th century – früher p149 ; Soden δ600
  66. Gregory-Aland 302 (Grec 103) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 11th century – Soden α150
  67. Gregory-Aland 308 (Royal MS 1 B I) – British Library – 14th century – Scrivener 25 ; Soden α456
  68. Gregory-Aland 309 (MS Dd.11.90) – Cambridge University Library – 12th century – früher p26 ; Soden α351 [ὑπόθεσις]
  69. Gregory-Aland 312 (Add MS 5116) – British Library – 11th century
  70. Gregory-Aland 314 (MS. Barocci 3) – Bodleian Library, Oxford – 11th century – Soden O11
  71. Gregory-Aland 319 (GG.1.9 (MS 9)) – Christ’s College, Cambridge – 12th century – früher p29 ; Soden α256 [CSNTM]
  72. Gregory-Aland 321 (Harley MS 5557) – British Library – 12th century – Soden α254
  73. Gregory-Aland 322 (Harley MS 5620) – British Library – 15th/16th century – Soden α550
  74. Gregory-Aland 323 (Gr. 20) – Bibliothèque de Genève, Geneva – 12th century – Soden α157
  75. Gregory-Aland 337 (Grec 56) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 12th century – Soden α205
  76. Gregory-Aland 356 (MS 110) – Emmanuel College, Cambridge – 12th century – früher p30 ; Soden A⁶⁰⁵ [ὑπόθεσις]
  77. Gregory-Aland 363 (Plutei VI. 13) – Laurentian Library, Florence – 14th century – Soden δ455
  78. Gregory-Aland 365 (Plutei VI. Cod. 36) – Laurentian Library, Florence – 12th century – Soden δ367 – [CSNTM]
  79. Gregory-Aland 367 (Conv. Soppr. 53) – Laurentian Library, Florence – 1331 A.D. – früher p182 ; Soden δ400 [ὑπόθεσις]
  80. Gregory-Aland 386 (Ottob. Gr. 66) – Vatican Library – 14th century – früher p199 ; Soden δ401
  81. Gregory-Aland 390 (Ott. Gr. 381) – Vatican Library – 13th century – früher p203 ; Soden δ366
  82. Gregory-Aland 394 (MS. F17) – Vallicelliana Library, Rome – 1330 A.D. – früher  p186 ; Soden δ460
  83. Gregory-Aland 398 (MS Kk.6.4) – Cambridge University Library – 10th century – früher p11 ; Soden α189
  84. Gregory-Aland 432 (Vat. Gr. 366) – Vatican Library – 14th century – früher p79 ; Soden α501
  85. Gregory-Aland 440 (MS Mm. 6.9) – Cambridge University Library – 12th century – früher p221 ; Soden δ260 [CSNTM]
  86. Gregory-Aland 442 (Gr. 1, f.183-440) – Uppsala University Library – 13th century – CATENA (Oecumenius Philosophus) – Soden O18 [ὑπόθεσις] [Euthalian Apparatus]
  87. Gregory-Aland 444 (Harley MS 5796) – British Library – 14th century – früher p240 ; Soden δ551 [ὑπόθεσις]
  88. Gregory-Aland 460 (Gr. Z. 11 =379) Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venice – 13th century – [Greek, Latin, Arabic]
  89. Gregory-Aland 479 (Codex Wordsworth, Mingana Greek 3) – Selly Oak College, Birmingham – 13th century – früher p249 ; Scrivener 542 ; Soden δ359
  90. Gregory-Aland 489 (B. 10. 16) – Trinity College, Cambridge – 1315/1316 A.D. – früher p252 ; Scrivener 507 ; Soden δ459 [CSNTM]
  91. Gregory-Aland 491 (Add MS 11836) – British Library – 11th century – früher p253 ; Scrivener 576 ; Soden δ152
  92. Gregory-Aland 496 (Add MS 16184) – British Library – 13th century – früher p254 ; Scrivener 582 ; Soden δ360 [ὑπόθεσις]
  93. Gregory-Aland 498 (Add MS 17469) – British Library – 14th century – Scrivener 584 ; Soden δ402 [ὑπόθεσις]
  94. Gregory-Aland 625 ( (Vat. Gr. 1761) – Vatican Library – 12th century – früher p192 ; Soden α159 [ὑπόθεσις]
  95. Gregory-Aland 627 (Codex Vaticanus Gr. 2062) – Vatican Library – 10th century – früher p193; Soden α53
  96. Gregory-Aland 629 (Codex Ottobonianus, – Vatican Library – 15th century – 14th century – früher p200 ; Soden α460 [Latin & Greek]
  97. Gregory-Aland 630 (Codex Ottobonianus, –  Vatican Library – 12th/13th century – früher p201 ; Soden α461
  98. Gregory-Aland 699 (Egerton MS 3145) – British Library – 10th century – früher p306 ; Scrivener 603 ; Soden δ104 – Scrivener 306 ; Soden δ104
  99. Gregory-Aland 720 (Theol. Gr. 79 & 80) – Austrian National Library, Vienna – 1138/1139 A.D. – CATENA – Scrivener 825 ; Soden Θε20 & OΘ²⁰ [CSNTM]
  100. Gregory-Aland 757 (NLG 150) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 13th century – früher p309 – Scrivener 846 ; Soden δ304 [CSNTM]
  101. Gregory-Aland 794 (NLG 122) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 14th century – früher p311 ; Soden δ454 [CSNTM]
  102. Gregory-Aland 796 (NLG 160) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 11th century – früher p312 ; Soden δ161 [CSNTM]
  103. Gregory-Aland 801 (NLG 130) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 15th century – CATENA – Soden δ553 [ὑπόθεσις] [CSNTM]
  104. Gregory-Aland 808 (NLG 2251) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 13-14th century – früher  p314 ; Soden δ203 [CSNTM]
  105. Gregory-Aland 901 (Gr. 12, Bjoernståhl 2) – University of Uppsala – 11th century – Scrivener 615 ; Soden δ162
  106. Gregory-Aland 905 (D. Gr. 369) – Ivan Dujcev Center for Slavo-Byzantine Studies, Sofia, Bulgaria (227f) – 12th century – [e, a, c, p, r] [= DELETED Gregory-Aland 2349 (COMBINED)]
  107. Gregory-Aland 909 (VK 902) – The Scriptorium, Orlando, Florida – 1108 A.D. – Scrivener 280 ; Soden α263
  108. Gregory-Aland 910 (Add MS 39598) – British Library – 1009 A.D. – Scrivener 234 ; Soden α168
  109. Gregory-Aland 911 (Add MS 39599) – British Library – 12th century – CATENA (Oecumenius) – früher p282 ; Scrivener 235 ; Soden O29 [ὑπόθεσις]
  110. Gregory-Aland 913 (Egerton MS 2787) – British Library – 14th century – früher p248 ; Scrivener a223 ; Soden α470
  111. Gregory-Aland 927 (Old: 8) (54) – Dionysiou Monastery, Athos – 1133 A.D. – früher p321 ; Soden δ251 [ὑπόθεσις] [Synaxarion & Menologion]
  112. Gregory-Aland 928 (Old: 9) (56) (331f) – Dionysiou Monastery, Athos – 1304 A.D. – Soden δ478 [= DELETED Gregory-Aland 2165 (Gr. 322) – National Library of Russia, St. Petersburg (2f: Phi 3:13-4:23; Col 1:1-6)]
  113. Gregory-Aland 945 (Old: 37) (124) – Dionysiou Monastery, Athos – 11th-13th century
  114. Gregory-Aland 959 (Old: 317) (254) – Dionysiou Monastery, Athos – 1331 A.D.
  115. Gregory-Aland 999 (Old: 31) (260) – Iviron Monastery, Athos – 13th/14th century
  116. Gregory-Aland 1022 (Ms. W. 533) – Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland (360f) – 12th century – [formerly Athos, Iwiron 24] früher p451 ; Soden α480 [a, c, p]
  117. Gregory-Aland 1100 (75) (Lamb. 3609) – Dionysiou Monastery, Athos – 1376 A.D. – Soden α474
  118. Gregory-Aland 1104 (MS. 136) – Docheiariou Monastery, Mount Athos – 1792 A.D.
  119. Gregory Aland 1105 (MS 139) – Docheiariou Monastery, Mount Athos – 15th century
  120. Gregory Aland 1106 (MS 147) – Docheiariou Monastery, Mount Athos – 14th century
  121. Gregory-Aland 1149 (Kamariotissis 133 (130)) – Constantinople, Ecumenical Patriarchate, Chalki – 13th century – früher p336 ; Scrivener 735 ; Soden δ370 [CSNTM]
  122. Gregory-Aland 1240 (Gr. 259) – St. Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai – 12th century – früher p337 ; Soden δ472 [ὑπόθεσις]
  123. Gregory-Aland 1241 (Gr. 260) – St. Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai – 12th century – früher p338 ; Soden δ371 [ὑπόθεσις]
  124. Gregory-Aland 1242 (Gr. 261) – St. Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai – 13th century – früher p339 ; Soden δ469 [ὑπόθεσις]
  125. Gregory-Aland 1243 (Gr. 262) – St. Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai – 11th century – früher p340 ; Soden δ198
  126. Gregory-Aland 1244 (Gr. 274) – St. Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai – 11th century – früher p365 ; Soden α74 [ὑπόθεσις]
  127. Gregory-Aland 1245 (Gr. 275) – St. Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai – 12th century – früher p366 ; Soden α158 [ὑπόθεσις]
  128. Gregory-Aland 1247 (Gr. 266) – St. Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai – 15th century – früher p345 ; Soden δ556 [ὑπόθεσις]
  129. Gregory-Aland 1248 (Gr. 267) – St. Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai – 14th century – früher p346 ; Soden δ409 [ὑπόθεσις]
  130. Gregory-Aland 1249 (Gr. 276) – St. Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai – 1324 A.D. – früher a396 ; Soden α454 [ὑπόθεσις]
  131. Gregory-Aland 1250 (Gr. 269) – St. Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai – 15th century – früher p347 ; Soden α564
  132. Gregory-Aland 1251 (Gr. 270) – St. Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai – 13th century – früher p348 ; Soden δ269
  133. Gregory-Aland 1270 (MS, Greco. 71, α.W.2.7 (II C IV)) – Biblioteca Estense, Modena, Italy – 11th century – früher p476 ; Scrivener a 196 ; Soden α193 [CSNTM]
  134. Gregory-Aland 1292 (Supplément Grec 1224) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 13th century – Soden δ395 [ὑπόθεσις]
  135. Gregory-Aland 1315 (Taphos 37) – Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, Jerusalem – 11th century – Scrivener 1262 ; Soden δ261 [ὑπόθεσις]
  136. Gregory-Aland 1319 (Taphos 47) – Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, Jerusalem – 12th century – Scrivener 1267 ; Soden δ180
  137. Gregory-Aland 1352 (Stavros 94) – Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, Jerusalem – 13th century – Soden δ396 [ὑπόθεσις]
  138. Gregory-Aland 1354 (Stavros 101) – Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, Jerusalem – 14th century – Soden δ470 [ὑπόθεσις]
  139. Gregory-Aland 1359 (Supplément Grec 1335) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 12th century – Soden δ262 [= DELETED Gregory-Aland 2327]
  140. Gregory-Aland 1360 (NLG 207, fol. 292b-294a) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 11th-12th century – CATENA – Soden O²⁶ [CSNTM]
  141. Gregory-Aland 1390 (45) – Stavronikita Monastery, Mount Athos – 14th century – Soden δ265
  142. Gregory-Aland 1404 (234) – Pantokratoros Monastery, Athos – 13th century – Soden δ384
  143. Gregory-Aland 1405 (NLG 208) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 15th century – Soden α555 [CSNTM]
  144. Gregory-Aland 1424 (Gruber 152) – Kosinitza Monastery, Drama, Greece (Formerly: Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago) – 9th/10th century – CATENA – Soden δ30 [CSNTM]
  145. Gregory-Aland 1448 (Αʹ. 13) – Great Lavra Monastery, Athos – 12th century
  146. Gregory-Aland 1495 (Α’. 73) – Great Lavra Monastery, Athos (263f) – 14th century – [p (Col-Hb), c, e]
  147. Gregory-Aland 1503 (Aʹ. 99) – Great Lavra Monastery, Athos – 1317 A.D. – [ὑπόθεσις]
  148. Gregory-Aland 1505 (Bʹ. 26) – Great Lavra Monastery, Athos – 1084 A.D.
  149. Gregory-Aland 1521 (MS 3) – Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, DC – 1084 A.D. – Soden δ477 [ὑπόθεσις]
  150. Gregory-Aland 1524 (Cod. Theol. Gr. 150) – Austrian National Library, Vienna – 14th century – CATENA (Theophylact) – Soden ΟΘ⁴⁰ [CSNTM]
  151. Gregory-Aland 1548 (Old: 700) (902) – Vatopedi Monastery, Athos – 1359 A.D. – [ὑπόθεσις]
  152. Gregory-Aland 1573 (Old: 737) (939) – Vatopedi Monastery, Athos – 12th/13th century
  153. Gregory-Aland 1594 (Old: 760) (Eust. 962) – Vatopedi Monastery, Athos – 1284 A.D.
  154. Gregory-Aland 1597 (Old: 763) (Eust 966) – Vatopedi Monastery, Athos – 1290 A.D. – [ὑπόθεσις]
  155. Gregory-Aland 1610 (NLG 209) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 1463 A.D. – früher p296 ; Soden α468 [CSNTM]
  156. Gregory-Aland 1611 (NLG 94) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 10th century – früher p469 ; Soden α208 [CSNTM]
  157. Gregory-Aland 1628 (Ωʹ. 20) – Great Lavra Monastery, Athos – 1400 A.D. – [ὑπόθεσις]
  158. Gregory-Aland 1637 (Ωʹ. 141) – Great Lavra Monastery, Athos – 1328 A.D.
  159. Gregory-Aland 1642 (Λʹ. 128) – Great Lavra Monastery, Athos – 1278 A.D. – [ὑπόθεσις] [e, a, c, p]
  160. Gregory-Aland 1646 (Λʹ. 173) – Great Lavra Monastery, Athos – 1172 A.D. – [e, a, c, p]
  161. Gregory-Aland 1719 (Old: 656) (Eust. 852) – Vatopedi Monastery, Athos – 1287 A.D. – [ὑπόθεσις]
  162. Gregory-Aland 1720 (Old: 657) (Eust. 853) – Vatopedi Monastery, Athos – 10th century
  163. Gregory-Aland 1724 (Old: 665) (865) – Vatopedi Monastery, Athos – 11th-12th century – [ὑπόθεσις]
  164. Gregory-Aland 1725 (Old: 666) (Eust 859) – Vatopedi Monastery, Athos – 1367 A.D.
  165. Gregory-Aland 1727 (Old: 668) (Eust. 861) – Vatopedi Monastery, Athos – 13th century
  166. Gregory-Aland 1730 (Old: 777) (972) – Vatopedi Monastery, Athos – 11th century – [ὑπόθεσις]
  167. Gregory-Aland 1732 (Aʹ. 91) – Great Lavra Monastery, Athos – 1384 A.D. – [ὑπόθεσις]
  168. Gregory-Aland 1734 (Bʹ. 18) – Great Lavra Monastery, Athos – 1015 A.D.
  169. Gregory-Aland 1739 (Bʹ. 64/ Spyr. 184) – Great Lavra Monastery, Athos – 10th century – Soden α78
  170. Gregory-Aland 1751 (Kʹ. 190) – Great Lavra Monastery, Athos – 1479 A.D. – [ὑπόθεσις] [a, c, p]
  171. Gregory-Aland 1761 (NLG 2521) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 14th century – [ὑπόθεσις] [CSNTM]
  172. Gregory-Aland 1763 (NLG 2450) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 15th century – [ὑπόθεσις] [CSNTM]
  173. Gregory-Aland 1765 (Add MS 33214) – British Library – 14th century – Soden α486
  174. Gregory-Aland 1768 (Old: 643) (771) – Iviron Monastery, Athos – 1520 A.D.
  175. Gregory-Aland 1780 (Greek MS 1) – Duke University – 13th century – CATENA
  176. Gregory-Aland 1827 (NLG 131) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 13th century – früher p420 ; Soden α367 [ὑπόθεσις] [CSNTM]
  177. Gregory-Aland 1828 (NLG 91) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 11th century – früher p300 ; Soden α202 [ὑπόθεσις]  [CSNTM]
  178. Gregory-Aland 1830 (NLG 129) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 15th century – früher p419 ; Soden α569 [CSNTM]
  179. Gregory-Aland 1831 (NLG 119) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 14th century – früher p421 ; Soden α472 [CSNTM]
  180. Gregory-Aland 1832 (NLG 89) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 12th century – früher p422 ; Soden α471 [CSNTM]
  181. Gregory-Aland 1843 (Vat. Gr. 1208) – Vatican Library – 13th century – Soden α251
  182. Gregory-Aland 1845 (Vat. Gr. 1971) – Vatican Library – 10th century – Scrivener 319 ; Soden α64
  183. Gregory-Aland 1847 (Palat. Gr. 38) – Vatican Library – 11th century – früher p433 ; Scrivener p295 ; Soden α190 [ὑπόθεσις]
  184. Gregory-Aland 1850 (MS Add. 6678) – Cambridge University Library – 12th century – früher p435 ; Soden α357
  185. Gregory-Aland 1851 (T. 14) – Linköping Diocesan Library, Sweden – 10th century – früher p436 ; Scrivener 272 ; Soden α72
  186. Gregory-Aland 1852 (MS. Gr. 11) – Uppsala University, Sweden – 13th century – früher p437 ; Scrivener 273 ; Soden α114
  187. Gregory-Aland 1854 (Old: 25) (231) – Iviron Monastery, Athos – 10th/11th century
  188. Gregory-Aland 1855 (Old: 37) (404) – Iviron Monastery, Athos – 13th century
  189. Gregory-Aland 1864 (MS 52 / 917 Λάμπρος) – Stavronikita Monastery, Mount Athos – 13th century – früher p466 [Mount Athos]
  190. Gregory-Aland 1907 (MS Ff.1.30) – Cambridge University Library – 11th century – CATENA – früher p27 ; Soden Οπ¹⁰⁴
  191. Gregory-Aland 1911 (Harley MS 5552) – British Library – 16th century – früher p66 ; Soden α1628 [ὑπόθεσις]
  192. Gregory-Aland 1947 (Ottob. Gr. 61) – Vatican Library – 15th century – [p]
  193. Gregory-Aland 1948 (Ottob. Gr. 176) – Vatican Library – 15th century – [p, r]
  194. Gregory-Aland 1956 (Add MS 7142) – British Library – 13th century
  195. Gregory-Aland 1961 (Arundel MS 524) – British Library – 14th century
  196. Gregory-Aland 1971 (Coislin Grec 95) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 12th century – CATENA (Oecumenius) – Soden Oπ19 [ὑπόθεσις]
  197. Gregory-Aland 1972 (Coislin Grec 217) – Bibliothèque nationale de France – 13th century – CATENA (Oecumenius) – Soden Oπ31 [ὑπόθεσις]
  198. Gregory-Aland 1973 (NLG 96) – National Library, Greece – 13th century – CATENA (Theophylact) – Soden Θπ33 [ὑπόθεσις] [CSNTM]
  199. Gregory-Aland 1977 (Plutei. X. 9) – Laurentian Library, Florence – 14th century – CATENA (Theophylact) – Soden Θπ44 [p]
  200. Gregory-Aland 1978 (Plutei. XI. 7) – Laurentian Library, Florence – 15th century – CATENA (Theophylact) – Soden Θπ53 [p]
  201. Gregory-Aland 1979 (Conv. Soppr. 21) – Laurentian Library, Florence – 16th century – CATENA (Theophylact) – Soden Θπ61 [p]
  202. Gregory-Aland 1997 (Vat. Palat. Gr. 10) – Vatican Library – 10th century – CATENA (Oecumenius) – Soden Oπ2 [ὑπόθεσις] [p]
  203. Gregory-Aland 2102 (MS. Barocci 146) – Bodleian Library, Oxford – 15th century – CATENA (Theophylact) – Soden Θπ57 [p]
  204. Gregory-Aland 2127 (Dep. Mus. 4) – Biblioteca Centrale, Palermo (229f) + (Lewis E M 044: 27-28) – Free Library of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (1f) –  12th century –  Soden δ202 [e, a, c, p]
  205. Gregory-Aland 2191 (Old: 610) (762) (fol. 90-330) – Vatopedi Monastery, Athos (241f/349f) + (Ms. W. 530 C) – Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Maryland (1f: Jn 21,16-25) -– 11th century – Soden δ250 [e, a, p, c]
  206. Gregory-Aland 2197 (Old: 218) (245) – Vatopedi Monastery, Athos – 14th century – CATENA (Theophylact)
  207. Gregory-Aland 2279 (Add MS 37003) – British Library – 14th century – [preceded by the prefaces of Euthalius and Theodoret] [ὑπόθεσις]
  208. Gregory-Aland 2352 (237) – Great Meteoron Monastery, Meteora, Greece (389f) – 15th century – [e, a, c, p, r]
  209. Gregory-Aland 2356 (Gr. 1594) – Saint Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai (415f) – 14th century – [e, a, c, p]
  210. Gregory-Aland 2401 (Ms. 142/Goodspeed Ms. Grk. 9 & 10) – University of Chicago Library – 12th century
  211. Gregory-Aland 2431 (4) – Skete of Kavsokalyvia (Lavra), Athos (Greece (239f) – 1332 A.D. – [a, c, p, r]
  212. Gregory-Aland 2492 (Gr. 1342, fol. 1-178) – Saint Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai (178f) – 14th century – [e, p, a, c]
  213. Gregory-Aland 2494 (Gr. 1991) – Saint Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai (315f) – 1316 A.D. – [ὑπόθεσις] [e, a, p, c] [LOC]
  214. Gregory-Aland 2495 (Gr. 1992) – Saint Catherine’s Monastery, Sinai (222f) – 15th century – [e, p, a, c, r] [LOC]
  215. Gregory-Aland 2554 (Ms. 3) – National Museum of Art, Bucharest (382f) – 1434 A.D. – [e, a, c, p, r]
  216. Gregory-Aland 2893 (VK 908, fol. 171-185) – The Scriptorium, Orlando, Florida – 13th century
  217. Gregory-Aland 2926 – (Saba 676) – Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem – 16th century – [ὑπόθεσις]
  218. Gregory-Aland 2936 (NLG 3139) – National Library of Greece, Athens – 1228 A.D. – CATENA (Theophylact) [272b–275a: Philemon] [CSNTM]
  219. Gregory-Aland Lectionary ℓ1300 (Staurou 67) – Jerusalem, Orthodox Patriarchate – 11th century – [Apostolos]
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