Ἦν δὲ ἡ ἰδέα αὐτοῦ ὡς ἀστραπὴ, καὶ τὸ ἔνδυμα αὐτοῦ λευκὸν ὡσεὶ χιών.
Matt 28:3 [Textus Receptus (Elzevir) (1624)]113
Ἦν δὲ ἡ ἰδέα αὐτοῦ ὡς ἀστραπὴ, καὶ τὸ ἔνδυμα αὐτοῦ λευκὸν ὡσεὶ χιών.
MSS: G, M, W, Δ, 7, 8, 22, 33, 43 (f62v-63r), 157, 201, 438, 490, 556, 771, 901 (f52r), ℓ339, ℓ1086 (f201vc1)
Matt 28:3 [Peshitta]
ܐܺܝܬ݂ܰܘܗ݈ܝ ܗ݈ܘܳܐ ܕ݁ܶܝܢ ܚܶܙܘܶܗ ܐܰܝܟ݂ ܒ݁ܰܪܩܳܐ ܘܰܠܒ݂ܽܘܫܶܗ ܚܶܘܳܪ ܗ݈ܘܳܐ ܐܰܝܟ݂ ܬ݁ܰܠܓ݁ܳܐ܂
Matt 28:3 [Vulgate]
erat autem aspectus eius sicut fulgur et vestimentum eius sicut nix
Critical Apparatus :
(1) ιδεα : F, G, K, M, W, Δ, 1, 7, 8, 22, 33, 43, 157, 201, 438, 490, 556, 771, 901, 1582, ℓ1mg, ℓ339, ℓ1086
(2) ειδε : B*
(3) ειδεα : א¹, A, B¹, C, D, E, S, Y, Ω, 44, 700, 892, 1701
(4) ηδεα : 4
(5) ιδε : L
(6) ωσει : A, C, E, F, G, L, M, S, W, Y, Δ, Ω, 4, 7, 8, 22, 33, 43, 44, 157, 201, 438, 490, 556, 700, 771, 901, 1582c, 1701, ℓ1, ℓ339, ℓ1086
(7) ωση : א¹
(8) ως : א*, B, D, K, 1, 892, 1582*
(9) χιων : א, A, B, C, E, G, K, L, M, S, W, Y, Δ, Ω, 1, 4, 7, 8, 22, 33, 43, 44, 157, 201, 438, 490, 556, 700, 771, 892, 901, 1582, 1701, ℓ1, ℓ339, ℓ1086
(10) χειων : D, F,
(i) ℓ1 (f130v) : right margin <ἦν δὲ ἡ ἰδέα αὐτοῦ>
A Textual Commentary On Matthew 28:3
(a) PRONUNCIATION, ORTHOGRAPHY – The letter ι is often represented in the MSS. of the N.T. by ει ; yet no inference can be drawn from this respecting its quantity, for the change occurs in the case of long vowels (θλειψις, γεινωσκω) and of short (ηγγεικεν, καθεισας) alike. Under the influence of Itacism also it is often reproduced by η (as Κηλικια, πρωτοκλησια, βραχηονι), and on the other hand ει is represented by ι, (απεστιλεν, αιτισθαι D). In foreign words the use of ει for ι has been in part adopted into the text (see p. 6 note 1). In genuine Greek words the usual spelling is followed in the printed editions. But in Matt. xxviii. 3 all the (older) MSS. give εἰδέα for ἰδέα (Lchm.) ; and it has consequently been received into the text by Tischendorf [and Tregelles]. This was the general mode of writing the word. Hence even Suidas so spelt it, adding expressly οἱ νῦν διὰ τοῦ ῖ γράφουσι ; cf. Bhdy. praef. ad Suid. p.39 ; Fischer on Plat. Euthyphr. p.125. A similar vacillation is found in the MSS. between ε and αι (several instances of which are given on p. 40, note 1) and other vowels, especially between οι and υ (thus, almost always ἠνύγην for ἠνοίγην). On the various Itacistic interchanges in the MSS. see Tdf. praef. ad Vet. Test. pp. 72, 80 [ed.3, and N.T. as above] ; Sturz, Dial. Alex. p.117 sq. Before μ, ζ is often written instead of σ, as Ζμύρνης ; (adopted by ν Tdf. [ed. 8, Rev. i.11 and ii.8]), which spelling, according to Lucian (jud.voc.9), must have been pretty general.
(Alexander Buttmann, A Grammar of the New Testament Greek, p.5)