Ἠκούσατε ὅτι ἐρρέθη· οὐ μοιχεύσεις·
You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’
Matt 5:27 [Textus Receptus (Elzevir) (1624)]14
Ἠκούσατε ὅτι ἐρρέθη τοῖς ἀρχαίοις· Οὐ μοιχεύσεις·
MSS: M, Δ, 33, 892
Matt 5:27 [Codex Sinaiticus (א or 01) (4th century)]
ηκουσατε ὁτι ερρεθη ου μοιχευσις·
Matt 5:27 [Codex Vaticanus Gr. 1209 (B03) (4th century)]
Ἠκούσατε ὅτι ἐῤῥέθη οὐ μοιχεύσεις.
MSS: B, K, Σ, 1, 3 (p15), 4, 8, 9, 10, 34, 35, 109, 157 (f31r), 201, 438, 439, 700, 1203 (f13v), 1582 (f14v), 1701 (f1v), 2835 (f6rc2)
Matt 5:27 [Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis (D05) (5th century)]12v|26
ηκουσατε οτι ερρηθη· ου μοιχευσεις
Matt 5:27 [Codex Basilensis (E07) (8th century)]14r
ηκουσατε οτι Ερρηθη͵ ου μοιχευσεις·
MSS: D, E, S, Ω, 11, 12 (p57-58), 18 (f8r), 36, 43, 44, 65, 72, 113, 230, 500 (see red footnote in the margin), 504, 699, 2603
Matt 5:27 [Codex Cyprius (Grec 63) (K017) (9th century)]21v-22r
ἠκούσατε· ὅτι ἐρρέθη· οὐ μοιχεύσεις·
Matt 5:27 [Codex Regius (Grec 62) (L019) (8th century)]10vc2
Ἠκούσαται ὅτι ἐρρέθη τοῖς ἀρχεοἰς, οὐ μυχεύσεις,
Matt 5:27 [Codex Washingtonianus (W032) (5th century)]
Ηκουσατε οτι ερρεθη ου μοιχευσεις
Matt 5:27 [Codex Sangallensis 48 (Δ937) (9th century)]31
Ηκουσατε οτι ερρεθη τοις αρχαιοις. Ου μοιχευσεις·
Matt 5:27 [Minuscule 1 (12th century)]165r
ἠκούσατε Ὅτι ἐρρέθη οὐ μοιχεύσεις·
Matt 5:27 [Minuscule 7 (Grec 71) (12th century)]30r
ἠκούσατε ὅτι ἐρρήθη τοῖς ἀρχαίοις Οὐ μοιχεύσεις·
Matt 5:27 [Minuscule 44 (12th century)]21r
ἡκούσατε ὅτι ἐρῥήθη· οὐ μοιχεύσεις.
Matt 5:27 [Minuscule 72 (11th century)]12v
Ἠκούσατε ὅτι ἐρρήθη· οὐ μοιχεύσεις.
Matt 5:27 [Minuscule 109 (1326)]32r
ἠκούσατε ὅτϊ ἐρρέθη οὐ μοιχεύσης.
Matt 5:27 [Minuscule 113 (11th century)]34r
ἠκούσατε ὅτϊ ἐρρήθη οὐ Μοιχεύσεις·
Matt 5:27 [Minuscule 201 (1357)]17vc2
Ἠκούσατε ὅτϊ ἐρρέθη, οὐ μοιχεύσεις.
Matt 5:27 [Minuscule 438 (12th century)]26v
ἠκούσατε ὅτι Ἐρρέθη, οὐ μοιχεύσεις.
Matt 5:27 [Minuscule 439 (1159)]16rc1
ἠκούσατε Ὅτι ἐρρέθη, οὐ μοιχεύσεις.
Matt 5:27 [Minuscule 490 (11th century)]14rc1
ἡκούσατε ὅτι ἐρῥήθη, οὐ μοιχεύ(σης)·
* (σης) = different ink
Matt 5:27 [Minuscule 504 (1033)]20r
ἠκούσατε Ὅτι ἐῤῥήθη οὐ μοιχεύσεις;
Matt 5:27 [Lectionary ℓ339 (5th day/1st week) (Egerton MS 2163) (12th century)]33vc1
Εἶπεν ὁ κς· ἠκούσατε ὅτι ἐρρήθη τοῖς ἀρχαίοις οὐ μοιχεύσεις·
Matt 5:27 [Peshitta]
ܫܡܰܥܬ݁ܽܘܢ ܕ݁ܶܐܬ݂ܶܐܡܰܪ ܕ݁ܠܳܐ ܬ݁ܓ݂ܽܘܪ܂
Matt 5:27 [Old Syriac Curetonian (Codex Curetonianus Syriacus syc)]
ܫܡܥܬܘܢ ܕܐܬܐܡܪ ܠܩܕ̈ܡܝܐ ܕܠܐ ܬܓܘܪ܂
Matt 5:27 [Old Syriac Sinaitic (Codex Sinaiticus Syriacus sys)]
ܫܡܥܬܘܢ ܕܐܬܐܡܪ ܠܐ ܬܓܘܪ
Matt 5:27 [Vulgate]
audistis quia dictum est antiquis non moechaberis
Critical Apparatus :
(1) ηκουσατε : א, B, D, E, K, M, S, W, Δ, Σ, Ω, 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 22, 33, 34, 35, 36, 43, 44, 65, 72, 109, 113, 157, 201, 230, 438, 439, 490, 500, 501, 504, 505, 556, 699, 700, 892, 901, 1203, 1582, 1701, 2603, 2835, ℓ181, ℓ339
(2) ηκουσαται : L
(3) ικουσατε : 13
(4) ερρεθη : א, B, K, L, M, W, Δ, Σ, 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 13, 18, 33, 34, 35, 109, 157, 201, 438, 439, 505, 700, 892, 901, 1203, 1582, 1701, 2835, Majority
(5) ερρηθη : D, E, S, Ω, 7, 11, 12, 22, 36, 43, 44, 65, 72, 113, 230, 490, 500, 504, 556, 699, 2603, ℓ339
(6) ερηθη : 501, ℓ181
(7) τοις αρχαιοις : M, Δ, 4, 7, 13, 33, 556, 892, ℓ181, ℓ339, Syriac Curetonian, Vulgate (est antiquis)
(8) τοις αρχεοις : L
(9) OMIT τοις αρχαιοις : א, B, D, E, K, S, W, Σ, Ω, 1, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 22, 34, 35, 36, 43, 44, 65, 72, 109, 113, 157, 201, 230, 438, 439, 490, 500, 501, 504, 505, 699, 700, 901, 1203, 1582, 1701, 2603, 2835, Majority, Peshitta, Syriac Sinaitic, Bohairic, DuTillet, Complutensian Polyglot
(10) μοιχευσεις : B, D, E, K, M, S, W, Δ, Σ, Ω, 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 22, 33, 34, 35, 36, 43, 44, 65, 72, 113, 157, 201, 230, 438, 439, 500, 501, 504, 556, 699, 700, 892, 1203, 1582, 1701, 2603, 2835, ℓ181, ℓ339, Majority
(11) μοιχευσις : א
(12) μοιχευσης : 109, 490, 505, 901
(13) μυχευσεις : L
ΛΖ / Ι :
D (f12v|26), E (f14r), K (f21v-22r), M (f28vc2), S (25rc1), Δ (f31), Ω (f33c1), 1 (f165r), 3 (p15), 7 (f30r), 9 (f17r), 10 (f15r), 11 (f26v), 12 (p58), 13 (f4rc1), 22 (f1r), 33 (f102v), 34 (f28r), 36 (f31v) 44 (f21r), 72 (f12v), 109 (f32r), 113 (f34r), 157 (f31r), 201 (f17vc2), 230 (f21vc2), 438 (f26v), 439 (f16rc1), 490 (f14rc1), 500 (f16v), 504 (f20r), 699 (f6v), 700 (f22r), 892 (f30v), 1203 (f13v), 1582 (f14v), 1701 (f1v), 2603 (f12r|27), 2835 (f6rc2)

A Textual Commentary On Matt 5:27